Got Them EME Window / call3.txt Blues Again
Roger Rehr
2007-10-17 19:56:12 UTC
Hello, All,

I am trying to set up the EME Window on Linrad for Windows and having

I have re-discovered the following:

1. Linrad wants the emedirectory to be C:\emedir, NOT \home\emedir or
C:\home\emedir as in Linux [not documented that I can see].

2. dir.skd is no longer available on the net. At least I couldn't
find it. Even af9y's links for it are broken.

3. If call3.txt is either copied from a wsjt download or downloaded from
http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/tracker.htm and placed in the emedir,
Linrad rejects it with the error:

[1230]routine:init_eme_database file:eme.c Failed to read CALL3.TXT
Excessive line length or field too long.

4. The reference page
makes no mention of the fact that linrad may potentially use call3.txt,
but only mentions the now essentially defunct dir.skd, eme.dta, and
allcalls.dta files. I thought I remembered that as a result of a
previous posting linrad would work with call3.txt, but was stymied by
#4 above.

I am very suspicious that all of this is old information and that I am
having a major deja vu experience, but figured I would send this to the
list after Google failed to give me what I need ;)

All of this came about as I was preparing to give a lecture and 'how
to' session on Linrad tomorrow. I guess I'll skip the eme window, at
least from Windows ;)

[Yes I have everything working from Linux including the EME Window]


Roger Rehr

Roger Rehr

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Leif Asbrink
2007-10-17 22:19:02 UTC
On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 15:56:12 -0400
Post by Roger Rehr
Hello, All,
I am trying to set up the EME Window on Linrad for Windows and having
1. Linrad wants the emedirectory to be C:\emedir, NOT \home\emedir or
C:\home\emedir as in Linux [not documented that I can see].
Feedback is really scarse as you know. The number of postings
on this list is pretty small ;-)
In the help file you can find this:

If you did it before and do not want to change anything,
press enter or any other key except M to use your old file:
/home/emedir/linrad_dxdata (Linux)
C:\emedir\linrad_dxdata (Windows)


In order to decide what polarisation to use for transmit Linrad
has to know the geographical location of the other station.
There are files on the Internet containing this information.
Make a directory /home/emedir for Linux or C:\emedir for Windows and
copy the data files there so Linrad can find at least one of these files:

/home/emedir/allcalls.dta or C:\emedir\allcalls.dta
/home/emedir/eme.dta or C:\emedir\eme.dta
/home/emedir/dir.skd or C:\emedir\dir.skd
/home/emedir/CALL3.TXT or C:\emedir\CALL3.TXT

(Search for emedir.exe allcalls.dta, CALL3.TXT and vhfsched.skd
on the Internet) Linrad will create the file own_info, a file
containing your own location, UTC offset and whether the EME
database should always be installed so you will not have to
press M on the main menu. The database will occupy some memory
and you may want to use memory for other purposes now and then on
a small computer, that is why you have an option here.

Linrad will also create linrad_dxdata which contains the data from all
the files in Linrad's own format. If the files contain incompatible
information, the file location_errors.txt will report the errors.
All files are created in /home/emedir(Linux) or C:\emedir(Windows)

Once the EME database is initialized, the EME window can be
used for finding call signs by a search for fragments using
? and * as "wildcards"

The above message is shown if you press F1 for help in
the init procdure:
lir_text(5,5,"Press M to update, F1 for help.");

The emedir directories should have been specified in options.h
as all other directories used by Linrad. I have forgotten -
and nobody has complained....
Post by Roger Rehr
2. dir.skd is no longer available on the net. At least I couldn't
find it. Even af9y's links for it are broken.
3. If call3.txt is either copied from a wsjt download or downloaded from
http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/tracker.htm and placed in the emedir,
[1230]routine:init_eme_database file:eme.c Failed to read CALL3.TXT
Excessive line length or field too long.
OK. Seems this file has changed its format one way or another
since I adopted Linrad to read it.

I will look into the EME data base issues for the next Linrad version
but before that I need to know which files besides call3.txt that are
still available and reasonably up to date.
Post by Roger Rehr
4. The reference page
makes no mention of the fact that linrad may potentially use call3.txt,
but only mentions the now essentially defunct dir.skd, eme.dta, and
allcalls.dta files. I thought I remembered that as a result of a
previous posting linrad would work with call3.txt, but was stymied by
#4 above.
Since I still have no antenna, I will only act on feedback from
others. Hopefully this will change, I am slowly building the tx side
of Linrad towards the antenna. I just made a 2x15V power supply with
three transformers to give me 15V from a 3-phase unstabilized
power supply to feed 2x WSE RX converters + one set of TX converters
running simultaneously. One RX chain is for "normal usage" on the main
computer. The other is connected to a second computer to serve as a
spectrum analyzer to check the performance of the TX chain that is
connected to the main computer. Right now I have a good signal
on 10.7 MHz (CW/SSB 10.688 to 10.788 MHz)
Post by Roger Rehr
I am very suspicious that all of this is old information and that I am
having a major deja vu experience, but figured I would send this to the
list after Google failed to give me what I need ;)
All of this came about as I was preparing to give a lecture and 'how
to' session on Linrad tomorrow. I guess I'll skip the eme window, at
least from Windows ;)
[Yes I have everything working from Linux including the EME Window]
As far as I know, there is no difference at all between Linux and Windows
except for the directory names:
/home/emedir/ (Linux)
C:\emedir\ (Windows)

If you supply the relevant information I will update
the EME data base of Linrad to read the files that are
currently available for EME operators.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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Joe Taylor
2007-10-18 13:18:56 UTC
Roger --

My guess is that you may simply need to change the call3.txt
file from DOS format to *nix format, i.e.,

C:> dos2unix call3.txt

You can do the conversion in Linux, if your Windows
installation does not have the "dos2unix" utility.

This is only a guess ...

See you at MUD (Microwave Update) tomorrow!

-- 73, Joe, K1JT
Post by Roger Rehr
Hello, All,
I am trying to set up the EME Window on Linrad for Windows and having
1. Linrad wants the emedirectory to be C:\emedir, NOT \home\emedir or
C:\home\emedir as in Linux [not documented that I can see].
2. dir.skd is no longer available on the net. At least I couldn't find
it. Even af9y's links for it are broken.
3. If call3.txt is either copied from a wsjt download or downloaded from
http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/tracker.htm and placed in the emedir,
[1230]routine:init_eme_database file:eme.c Failed to read CALL3.TXT
Excessive line length or field too long.
4. The reference page
makes no mention of the fact that linrad may potentially use call3.txt,
but only mentions the now essentially defunct dir.skd, eme.dta, and
allcalls.dta files. I thought I remembered that as a result of a
previous posting linrad would work with call3.txt, but was stymied by #4
I am very suspicious that all of this is old information and that I am
having a major deja vu experience, but figured I would send this to the
list after Google failed to give me what I need ;)
All of this came about as I was preparing to give a lecture and 'how to'
session on Linrad tomorrow. I guess I'll skip the eme window, at least
from Windows ;)
[Yes I have everything working from Linux including the EME Window]
Roger Rehr
Roger Rehr
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Roger Rehr
2007-10-18 14:33:41 UTC
Thanks Joe!

Excellent suggestion, but it didn't do the trick. Maybe I had somehow
damaged the call3.txt file ;(

Joe Barger sent me a modified CALL3.TXT file which did work and I am
now in business. [Thanks Joe B.]

Look forward to seeing you at MUD. I am due to leave for Valley Forge
within the next 1-2 hours.

I did download a windows version of dos2unix from the web
and stuck it in my windows directory [ \windows\system32 ] so that I
have it available from the command line in the future. I am sure it
will come in handy ;)

Thanks again for the tip, and


Roger Rehr
Post by Joe Taylor
Roger --
My guess is that you may simply need to change the call3.txt
file from DOS format to *nix format, i.e.,
C:> dos2unix call3.txt
You can do the conversion in Linux, if your Windows
installation does not have the "dos2unix" utility.
This is only a guess ...
See you at MUD (Microwave Update) tomorrow!
-- 73, Joe, K1JT
Roger Rehr

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