Leif Asbrink
2007-11-03 13:29:35 UTC
Hello Francesco and Roger,
Hello Leif i guess that Ermanno, IK7EZN has already tolt you, regarding the
bug that i found on last 02.39 release.
It's a minor bug, because all the rest seems to work properly.
When i try to change the freq. trough the arrows all crashes.
Otherwise if i do it, just writing by hand all is ok.
I do not remember when I corrected this (and for what reason)
but this bug is not present in the current 02.40pre version
that Ermanno just tested.

I attach my response to Ermannos test report because I will not
have the time to fix 2) and the inconvenience of 3) will
be present in Linrad-02.40 which I will upload before I



Hi Ermanno,
1- The change of frequency is OK with Linrad-pre40 in Windows and Linux.
2- In windows has disappared the choise 4 from radio menu' (see immage)
Oooh! I changed the way the soundcard is opened when 16 bit
input is selected to allow use under Windows Vista.

Please try to open a second device to get four audio channels.
Please, try also to open in 32 bit format - then it should be
as before.

I can automate the open process, but I need someone who has Vista
to verify. No time before I leave.
3- Compilation with users_hwaredriver go in error (see immage)
The new transmit routines have forced me to make several changes
in the WSE control. Please check users.c or users_tr.c and copy
the WSE routines from there. Sorry for the inconvenience,
unfortunately it may happen again - next step in development when
I return home is Rx/Tx timing for QSK and RADAR. May need some more
changes in hardware related stuff....
4- I have tried calibrazion routine and i have attach the immages.
What is in the last screen "Max correction ch0?" and because the
values of low and hight are inverted ?
Pulse generator was in input at 10.7 wse.
Try some bad filter shapes:
M for parabolic shape
E to increase steepness
C or D to move the function off center.

Then it should become clear what 'Max correction' is.
It is the maximum of the yellow curve at the two sides.
(Low and high means left and right on screen, that is
how frequency is defined here.)



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